What will you bring to the space?
Share your new polished feature, pilot, or full-length play, and if chosen, see your story come to life. In one afternoon you will see interpretations of your characters by talented, brave actors. You’ll see how a director handles your words and hear how they would tell the story, what parts matter and need to be elevated. At the end, a guided question and answer period to provide a direction for your next most powerful revision and it is all for free.
We are community of union actors trained by the best in the business. We know how to break down a script and arrive full and ready to make choices. Do you want to join us and activate your art., and show what you can truly do with an original character for more than one scene or side.? Come play for a couple of hours instead of 10 minutes. Work with a Director and find the fun again for free. For the investment of your time, you'll find yourself again and maybe your future collaborators.
Share your knowledge, show your working style. Here’s a fun way to meet new actors, a new writer, and possibly a future project. If chosen, we'll give you the script a head of time and we’ll provide the union actors. You'll watch the action, work 45 minutes give adjustments, share your ideas on the characters, the tone, style, possibly talk about the climax to come. After the actors finish, if there is time, you can rerun any scene you wish and then at the end participate in our debrief to help the writer in their next stage of revision.
Find your next passion project or discover the next big talent, or maybe find a director that inspires and is just who you were looking for. Offer your insights of where the piece might work, what the piece needs, and make suggested next steps. Be part of the excitement when people come together in a room to just play, and you don’t have to write a check to make it happen.
Next Steps...
Submit your log line, 1-page synopsis, and first 10 pages of either a TV pilot, feature or stage play. Finalists will submit the entire script.
Submit head shot & resume and a link to a self-tape, 1 minute monologue or a scene for film/TV. Indicate your preference to work on a play or screenplay. Your materials may be distributed to participating producers and directors.
Submit your bio, a bit about your directing style, and your preference to work on a play or screenplay, comedy or drama.
Send us your bio and whether you are interested in TV/Film scripts or stage plays, and we will notify you of our schedule, provide you with story synopsis and information about the writers, actors, and directors slated in the schedule.